Vitamins essential for skin health

Which vitamins are important to get a younger looking healthy skin?

Why should my skin care products have Vitamin C?

Research has proven that Topical vitamin C may help slow early signs of skin aging, prevent sun damage, and improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots as well as contribute to overall skin brightening. Due to these reasons, it is one of the favourite ingredients in skin care.  

Vitamin C is the most abundant antioxidant in human skin, but human body cannot synthesize Vitamin C. Antioxidant properties i.e., capacity to fight harmful free radicals (toxins) generated within body and acquired from external sources such as pollution make this vitamin irreplaceable. Free radicals are responsible for damaging the skin and applying topical vitamin C can combat free radicals and may improve the skin's overall appearance. As skin ages there is a decline in vitamin C content in layers of skin leading to fine lines and wrinkles. Excessive exposures to UV light or pollutants (such as cigarette smoke and ozone) also reduce the vitamin C content of skin.

Topical application of this Vitamin in the form of creams, serums, lotions etc. has a wide range of cosmetic applications, from antiaging and anti-pigmentary to photoprotective. Studies has indicated that application of vitamin c containing skin care products consistently for a period of 3 months can help smoothen out rough skin and enhance overall appearance of skin.


Why should my skin care products have Vitamin E?

Another very important antioxidant for human skin is Vitamin E which has been used in dermatology for more than 50 years. It is a critical ingredient in several cosmetic products. Due to its potent antioxidant properties, topical application of vitamin E has emerged as a popular treatment for several skin problems.

Skin application of Vitamin E protects it from the fine lines and wrinkles observed because of prolonged exposure to sun. Vitamin E helps removing signs of photoaging by acting as a free-radical scavenger. This vitamin has strong anti-inflammatory properties that helps in treating any skin wounds, acne, burn scars, and blemishes.


Why should my skin care products have Vitamin A (Retinol)?

Several studies have indicated the effectiveness of topical retinol (vitamin A) in improving the clinical signs of naturally aged skin. Retinol has been demonstrated to increase synthesis of collagen in skin and thus helps in reducing signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin application of Vitamin A not only helps heal photodamaged skin but pre-treatment with retinol might even prevent ultraviolet (UV)-induced damage in the first place. Potent anti-inflammatory properties of this vitamin and its metabolites also make it an important ingredient in dermatological  formulations used for treatment of acne.


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